
Wednesday, March 27, 2024

3/27/24 to All My Federal Politicians

Subject:  UN Special Rapporteur, “Israel is Committing Genocide”.

The reaction from Israel was predictable.  Any time anyone says anything contrary to the “Israel narrative”, the Israeli cabal becomes unhinged.   By now you should realize that . . . . but you don’t. 

If you have the courage, listen to the Rapporteur.  Follow her legal logic.  Note that most of the world knows Israel lies and believes they are beyond the reach of any law.  Note that the U.S. has a LEGAL OBLIGATION to stop sending weapons and to stop the genocide.

I hear and read your hollow words and meager actions.  Pathetic.  Here are real ACTIONS!  OBEY U.S. and INTERNATIONAL LAW.  STOP THE GENOCIDE!   STOP SUPPORTING ISRAEL!   STOP SENDING WEAPONS!  STOP KILLING THE PALESTINIAN PEOPLE!   END THE OCCUPATION OF PALESTINE!  Spend the taxes of “WE THE PEOPLE” on improving the lives of “WE THE PEOPLE”. 

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