
Wednesday, May 1, 2024

 5/1/24 to All My Federal Politicians

Subject:  Zionism is Anti-Semitism

Surely you are familiar with Zionism.  It’s the driving force behind Israel’s 75 years of elimination of Palestinians.  Listen to this well-known Jewish author.  She’s calling for an “exodus” from Zionism.  She says,

“We don’t need or want the false idol of Zionism. We want freedom from the project that commits genocide in our name.”

Buck up your courage and listen to woman!

I’ve been listening to your hollow words and noting your meager actions for months.  Pathetic.  Here are real ACTIONS:  OBEY U.S. and INTERNATIONAL LAW;  GO TO PALESTINE;  STOP SUPPORTING GENOCIDE;  STOP SUPPORTING ISRAEL; STOP SENDING WEAPONS;  STOP SUPPORTING THE KILLING OF PALESTINIAN PEOPLE; STOP SUPPORTING THE OCCUPATION OF PALESTINE!  Spend the taxes of “WE THE PEOPLE” on improving the lives of “WE THE PEOPLE”.

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